We were also reminded of the mechanical nature of our expedition, like exhausts and clutches deciding they would rather not work or be whole. This morning, for example, Sunder became exhausted, but there was always a queue to mend or temporarily fix.
PS Note to whoever built my exhaust.. remember to weld all the joints.
This happened close to a river, so we took the opportunity to go off-road and have lunch alongside some women and inquisitive children who had taken their washing to the river in hugely piled-up wheelbarrows.
Their very dark skins contrasted starkly against their gaily coloured traditional dress.
Here is what was to become our typical lunch on the road. Nom-nom.
The Moroccan landscape is rightly prized for its variation and dramatic vistas, but we were not expecting these verdant gently rolling arable hills under big lazy skies.

An interesting day.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
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